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Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about With Otto. If you have any other questions, feel free to contact us at support@withotto.app

Getting started

What do I need to get started with Otto?
I don't currently have many bank rules set up. What can I use them for?
Does Otto need a separate computer?
What will my clients see?


Is Otto secure?
Is there a single Otto that is shared amongst all practices?
How does Otto handle 2FA?
How does Otto access and use our data?
How is my clients' data handled and transmitted?


Can credits be carried over?
What happens if Otto reconciles more transactions than are included in my plan?


What's SmartMatch?
What are the pros and cons of SmartMatch?
What's GuidedMatch?
Does Otto need to be trained?
Will Otto just reconcile any green match he sees?
Is there anything Otto can't (or won't) reconcile?
I only want to reconcile bank rules. Can I skip SmartMatch?
How often is Otto retrained on my clients' data?


What's SmartMatch?
What are the pros and cons of SmartMatch?
Does Otto need to be trained?
Will Otto just reconcile any green match he sees?
Is there anything Otto can't (or won't) reconcile?
I only want to reconcile bank rules. Can I skip SmartMatch?
How often is Otto retrained on my clients' data?


What's GuidedMatch?


How is Otto monitored and supported?